Blog "Talking about Drama"

When we talk about the drama and the plays that exist, we can see the majesty that is within them, how each mind works and each time difference that intrudes on our reality, playing with us and entering an adversity of illusions accompanied by the essence of art; drama is that and much more than you imagine.

This time I will speak about Shakespeare's great play: Hamlet. This work was written in 1603. Acclaimed by millions of people, it is now a classic of literature and you should not avoid reading it.
We have to take into account the great variation that exists within the story that tells us, there is such a complex form of psychology in the characters, I could tell from my feelings that the work borders on perfection in when it was written.

to be, or not to be, that is the question

In the work there are multiple phases of styles that have been transmitted to me in a quite complete way; the mystery, the narration, the tension of the danger, the dark and energetic that an "elegant" combination can create, that is why when you read it you should be attentive to the development and intrigue of the dark actions that the characters want carried out by the feelings that each situation produces.

A world-famous attraction is the phrase "To be or not to be, that is the question." This became a literary reference that anyone identifies just by listening to it. The play is largely composed of Hamlet's dialogues, and this well-known phrase occurs when The Prince faces a horrible dilemma in the literary work: what is the meaning and purpose of living? Everything is expressed in the sense of the dilemma of human existence and concerns about life.

The book transmits emotions mainly of tension and love for the works that have marked lives and that of course have marked the history of drama and literature. Literary work that you should read if you haven't already. It is an excellent opportunity to read literature classics.

- Erik Leonel Hernández Mirón.


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